The Art of Postcard Retargeting: Winning Back Lost Customers

Retargeting lost customers is an essential part of any marketing strategy. While digital retargeting is commonly used, postcard retargeting can be a powerful tool to reach out to customers who may have slipped through the cracks. In this article, we will explore the art of postcard retargeting and how it can help you win back lost customers.

Why Postcard Retargeting?

Postcard retargeting offers a personal touch that is often lacking in digital marketing efforts. By sending a physical postcard to your lost customers, you can grab their attention in a way that emails or online ads cannot. Here are some reasons why postcard retargeting can be effective:


  • Customized messages and designs can make the postcards feel more personal to the recipient.
  • Using the customer's name or referencing past purchases can create a sense of familiarity and connection.


  • A physical postcard is more likely to be noticed and held onto than an email that can easily be deleted.
  • Customers may be more inclined to take action on a postcard that they can physically interact with.

Stand Out

  • Postcards are less common than digital marketing efforts, making them stand out in a customer's mailbox.
  • A well-designed postcard can capture attention and leave a lasting impression on the recipient.

How to Implement Postcard Retargeting

Implementing a postcard retargeting campaign involves careful planning and execution. Here are some steps to help you get started:

Identify Your Lost Customers

Before you can send out postcards to win back lost customers, you need to identify who these customers are. Review your customer database and segment customers who have not made a purchase in a certain period of time.

Create Compelling Offers

To entice lost customers to return, consider offering special discounts or promotions on your postcards. Make sure the offer is compelling enough to motivate customers to take action.

Design Eye-Catching Postcards

The design of your postcards plays a crucial role in grabbing the recipient's attention. Use high-quality images, captivating headlines, and clear call-to-action to encourage customers to reconnect with your brand.

Track and Measure Results

Monitor the success of your postcard retargeting campaign by tracking response rates and conversions. Use this data to refine your approach and make improvements for future campaigns.

Benefits of Postcard Retargeting

Postcard retargeting can offer a range of benefits for your business, including:

Re-engage Lost Customers

  • Postcard retargeting gives you the opportunity to re-engage with customers who have not interacted with your brand in a while.
  • By sending a personalized postcard, you can remind customers of the value you offer and encourage them to make a purchase.

Build Customer Loyalty

  • Showing customers that you care about their business by sending a postcard can help build loyalty and strengthen customer relationships.
  • Customers who feel valued are more likely to continue doing business with your company in the future.

Boost Brand Awareness

  • Postcard retargeting can help increase brand awareness by keeping your brand top of mind for customers.
  • Even if a customer does not immediately make a purchase, receiving a postcard can leave a positive impression that may lead to future sales.


Postcard retargeting is a valuable strategy for winning back lost customers and reinvigorating your marketing efforts. By combining the personal touch of a physical postcard with compelling offers and eye-catching design, you can reach out to customers in a unique and effective way. Consider implementing postcard retargeting into your marketing strategy to reconnect with lost customers and drive growth for your business.