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ENT Specialist

What To Expect During An Ent Specialist Evaluation

An Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) Specialist evaluation is a comprehensive assessment of the ear, nose, throat, and related structures of the head and neck. It is performed by a specialist who is trained in the diagnosis and treatment of ear, nose, and throat-related problems. To get more details about ENT specialists you may check it here.

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During an ENT Specialist evaluation, the doctor will perform a physical examination of the head and neck area and may order lab tests or imaging studies to further evaluate the underlying cause of the patient's symptoms. 

In most cases, the ENT Specialist will begin by asking the patient about their medical history and any current symptoms they may be experiencing. During the physical examination, the doctor will look at the nasal passages, examine the ears and throat, and use a scope to view the inside of the nose and throat.  

The ENT Specialist may also perform specialized procedures such as tympanometry, laryngoscopy, or audiometry. Tympanometry is used to evaluate the middle ear and measure the air pressure and movement of the eardrum. Laryngoscopy is an exam of the vocal cords and larynx, and audiometry is used to evaluate hearing. 

After the evaluation is complete, the doctor will discuss the findings with the patient and discuss potential treatment options. The doctor may refer the patient to an audiologist for further evaluation or treatment or may refer them to another specialist for further evaluation or treatment.
