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asphalt sealcoating

All You Need To Know About Asphalt Seal Coating Services In Utah

Asphalt seal coating is a process used to protect and preserve asphalt surfaces, such as roads, driveways and parking lots. It is achieved by applying a protective layer of asphalt sealant to the surface of the asphalt. The sealant is designed to fill any cracks or voids in the asphalt, while also providing a waterproof barrier to protect it from the elements.

Asphalt seal coating can provide numerous benefits for asphalt surfaces. It can help to extend the life of the asphalt by protecting it from water, sun, and other elements. Seal coating can also help to reduce the risk of cracking and other damage caused by wear and tear. Additionally, seal coating can help to improve the appearance of the asphalt, giving it a more uniform color and a glossy finish.

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There are two main types of asphalt seal coating: coal tar and asphalt emulsion. Coal tar is the most common type and is usually used for commercial and industrial applications. It is an oil-based material that provides a tough, durable seal and is extremely resistant to the elements. Asphalt emulsion, on the other hand, is a water-based material that provides a more flexible seal and is better for residential applications.

Before seal coating can be applied, the asphalt must be properly prepared. This includes cleaning the surface of any debris, such as leaves and dirt. The asphalt should also be inspected for any cracks or damage that may need to be repaired before seal coating can be applied. 

Once a seal coat has been applied, it should be inspected regularly to ensure it is still providing protection. Additionally, it is important to make sure the surface is kept clean, as dirt and debris can reduce the effectiveness of the seal coat.
