The Two Purposes Of A Swimming Pool Cover

A very often forgotten pool accessory is the pool cover.  We say it's ignored because not many people consider it. This is very unfortunate because this cover can have two very important functions. 

Both of these functions keep the water clean and safe. You can also buy the best retractable & automatic swimming pool covers in NZ for your pool.

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First, a pool cover is designed to reduce the time you spend cleaning the pool. Simply put, when the pool is closed, no debris can enter the pool. This is very important because most people would rather enjoy their pool than have to clean it.

If you don't have a cover for your swimming pool, you will quickly realize how much easier life is with swimming pool covers. This is because leaves and insects find their way into your pool. In this case, all you can do is use a manual or automatic pool cleaner to remove dirt from the pool floor.

Apart from cleaning, this cover is also a safety device. Depending on the type of cover, it may be able to withstand the weight of people on it. Unfortunately, many young children drown in swimming pools when unsupervised. 

Also, if you think that if you are not around you shouldn't leave your children near water, the sad fact is that young children often leave the house while parents are distracted. 

Using a pool cover when the pool is not in use can drastically reduce the chances of a child entering the pool when unsupervised. 

Regardless of whether you have an above-ground or indoor pool, a pool cover is an inexpensive way to protect your pool from the effects of nature.