The Magic of Mushrooms

Undoubtedly, food eaten in natural seasons and grown locally tastes better. Mushrooms are in season and there are a number of special recipes, including mushrooms that are delicious and versatile. Leaving them near the greens will tempt you to rush, but this lovely veggie comes with a warning.

There's another consideration too: choosing foods with mushrooms is a lot of fun, it's really weird and it takes a lot of rinsing before you can get rid of all the grit. If you decide to switch to the picking option instead of the grocery store, be sure to use a knife to neatly cut the sponge without tugging. You can also look for magic mushrooms in Canada.

Take chanterelles for example, these lovely mushrooms have a lovely texture and are perhaps the most versatile of all wild mushrooms as they have many uses in cooking. Ideal for cooking recipes with fish, mushroom is the perfect match for game, beef and duck, as in the best restaurants.

Often according to their diet, all chefs explain the magic of mushrooms with simple, little-known facts:

-Flies contain three times more antioxidants than tomatoes

-14 mushrooms with one button or 80 g servings count for 5 A DAY purposes

-They are a high-quality, easy-to-digest protein source that contains more than any other vegetable

-Flies are low in carbohydrates and fat