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trade show booth rental

What To Consider When Renting An Exhibit Booth ?

A booth rental is an opportunity to showcase your products and services at a trade show. In order to find the right trade show booth rental for your business, you'll need to consider a few important factors, including space requirements, budget, and exhibit type.

trade show booth

Space Requirements

To determine the space requirements for your booth, you'll need to first estimate how many people will be in attendance at the show and what kind of exhibit layout you're considering. Generally speaking, a trade show booth should be between 20 and 30 feet wide by 18 to 24 feet long. You'll also want to account for overhead space, which can range from 6 to 12 feet.


Trade show booths can range in price from $2,000 to $10,000. The more features your booth has (such as sound and lighting), the higher the cost will be. In addition, you'll need to factor in shipping and installation costs.

Exhibit Type

There are two main types of trade shows: consumer electronic shows (CES) and transportation shows. At a consumer electronic show, you'll likely want to put up a display featuring technology products such as smartphones or laptops. At a transportation show, such as the International Auto Show, you'll likely want to showcase new cars or truck designs.

Once you've determined the space requirements, budget, and exhibit type, you can start searching for a booth rental company. To find a booth rental company that's right for your business, you'll need to first decide which trade show you want to attend. After that, you can search for companies that offer booth rentals in that region.

