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thumb sucking guard

Thumbs Down! Stop That Thumb Sucking Habit

Every baby is born with a natural instinct to suckle. This is what makes babies eat. However, their instincts weaken when the baby reaches three to four months of age. On the other hand, thumb sucking developed more as a mechanism for finding baby comfort. There are finger sucking guards that can be used to stop the habit.

Sucking on the thumb or finger is sometimes seen in vivo for an additional 15 weeks. In the uterus, the developing fetus has hands that are very close to the face and it is not too difficult to find the thumb or fingers.

Once babies are born, they cannot coordinate their limbs enough to bring fingers to their mouths and often result in multiple scratches on the face.

There are few things that can be done to stop thumb sucking habit:

* Don't judge or blame when trying to break a habit. Maintain a smiling face and remove your thumb or finger from your child's mouth manually. The kid can refuse it. Don't scream, don't fight, and don't scream. When your child puts his thumb back in his mouth, feel free to take it off again.

* Encourage the child to release his own thumb.

* Do not indulge in so-called no-hassle techniques such as gloves, bitter substances, or other drugs designed to discourage a child unless clearly necessary. Try all other methods to help your child give up the habit on his own.
