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Tapioca Flour

How Can You Cook, Purchase, And Use Tapioca Flour

How Can You cook tapioca flour?

Have some tapioca flour in your cupboard that you’re not sure how to use? We’ve got you covered. Like other starches, tapioca flour works as a great thickening agent when added to liquid-based foods. 

However, there are a few differences between tapioca flour and other starches. One of the most notable differences is that tapioca flour retains its texture even after it’s been frozen. This means that when using tapioca starch, you no longer have to worry about freezing the leftover soup you’ve made. You can also buy the best tapioca flours via to enhance the flavors of your favorite dish.

Simply place it in the freezer, let it thaw once you’re ready to eat, and enjoy! It will still have the same thick and creamy texture that it had before.

Where to Purchase Tapioca Flour

Now that you know a little more about tapioca flour, it’s time to start using it in your recipes. Our IYA Tapioca Flour is one of our most versatile gluten-free flours. Certified gluten-free, paleo, kosher, vegan, and non-GMO, this flour comes straight from the cassava plant itself. No extra processing or ingredients are necessary! Use it as a thickening agent or to make delicious desserts like bubble tea.

Tapioca Flour Uses

When baking or cooking with tapioca flour, we recommend using it alongside other gluten-free flours such as almond flour. This will help ensure that your recipe achieves the desired consistency. 

It’s also important to note how much liquid is in the recipe. Tapioca flour’s water-absorbing capabilities make it perfect when adding moisture to baked recipes or used to thicken sauces. Because it is tasteless and odorless, it can be added to a recipe without changing the flavor.
