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How To Prepare For Your WSET Course

Before you step foot on the exam paper or in the classroom, it is important to get the most from your WSET education. You can also get more information about via

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 These 3 tips will help you get the most from your WSET education and put you on the right track to achieving your goals.

  1. You'll need to know what your exam will look like before you begin your course. This is why it's important to first read the specification. This specification outlines the learning outcomes that you will be assessed on, as well as guidelines for how to structure and mark the examination.
  2. You don't need to be enrolled in any course to have access to the qualification specifications. All of them are available on the WSET website, and can be found on every qualification listing . Level 1 qualifications do not require any pre-reading. All material will be covered in the course. 
  3. A textbook and workbook are required for WSET Levels 2 & 3. These should be received by your course provider before your course start date. This textbook contains all the material you will need to study in theory papers. WSET session plans are based on the assumption that students will have completed the relevant chapters before they attend their online learning class. These sessions serve to review and calibrate the knowledge and to practice tasting.
