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Slow Cooker

How to Buy the Best Slow Cooker For Your Family

If you have a full-time job and an endless array of school-related activities. You may also be confronted with the challenge of how to feed your family with nutritious meals. One option is to order takeaway, especially when you are busy. 

There are occasions when this option is tempting. The problem with a takeaway is the price for families living with a tight budget can be expensive. Additionally, there is the matter of nutrition which is often lacking in takeaway food items.

The best option for my mind is to buy an automatic slow cooker. You can buy the best slow cookers in Australia online. The first thing to think about is the dimensions of your cooker. What number of people do you typically cook for?

10 Food Safety Tips for the Slow Cooker

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 If it's only you and your partner or you cook for yourself, do you frequently host parties? Do you have time to make extra meals and store portions?

The most popular size cookers come in 1 1/2 quart, 3 1/2 4 quarts 5, 5 quart, and 6 quarts. There are other sizes also available. 

The standard features of most slow cookers are high and low temperatures. The majority of recipes that cook at high temperature for 4 hours can be prepared at low temperature for 8 hours. 

If you're planning to cook the food before going to work in the morning, but you'll not be home until about ten hours later, you might consider the slow cooker that has an auto-setting that will either shut the cooker off or change to "keep warm" mode when the cooking is finished.
