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Culture Of The Mind Must Be Subservient To The Heart.

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Los Altos therapist

Understanding About The IFS Workshop

Many physicians have been introduced to the basic concept of the internal family system (IFS), a scientifically established approach that is gaining momentum as more therapists testify of transformative and lasting effects. In a follow-up workshop, one of the most respected and renowned IFS trainers in the world, participants will develop their skills at IFS to develop more complex and targeted interventions for working with the "extremes" of their clients.

This extreme – often in clients with complex trauma, attachments, and/or relational trauma – was originally designed to protect the client from emotional pain. If you’re looking for more information about the IFS workshop, navigate to this website.

ifs workshop

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Given these extreme reactions, doctors are often overwhelmed or frustrated, lose confidence, and sometimes even find that some of their "parts" are activated. As a result, therapy can get stuck and the client feels insecure, creating a vicious cycle that is hard to break.

In the seminar, the therapist will provide a clear road map of how you can quickly understand your client's extreme reactions and determine which interventions, informed by neurology and attachment awareness, will best help your client out of this reaction. This leads to faster and longer-lasting healing results.

This seminar combines didactic and interactive elements such as meditation, didactic lectures, practical exercises, and video demonstrations.
