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Independent assisted living

Independent Assisted Living: What You Should Know

As people age, seniors may find themselves in need of some additional assistance. Independent assisted living is a type of retirement community that provides seniors with amenities like help with personal tasks and companionship. 

However, these homes can cost up to $150,000 annually–and that's not including expenses for caretakers. As more people are looking to live independently and use this option instead of a nursing home, the demand is growing for affordable options!

Independent assisted living can provide residents with more independence and flexibility than traditional assisted living facilities, making it a great choice for those who want to maintain some level of control over their lives. If you are in search of independent assisted living near you, you may search online.

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Pros of Independent Assisted Living

Independent living offers seniors many advantages over traditional living arrangements. Here are five of the most important: 

1. Independence: Seniors who live independently are more likely to maintain their independence and remain active and engaged in their community. In assisted living settings, caregivers often keep residents on a tight schedule, emphasizing routines and limiting opportunities for self-expression.

2. Access to Independent Living Services: Independent living communities typically have access to a wider range of services than those found in assisted living facilities. These services may include help with bathing, dressing, grocery shopping, and transportation.

3. Greater Control Over Personal Life: Many seniors enjoy greater control over their personal lives when they live independently. They can make their own decisions about what they do and where they go, rather than relying on the care of others.
