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guardianship attorney arizona

How To Find An Attorney That Specializes In Estate Planning In Arizona?

A guardianship is an arrangement in which someone else assumes responsibility for the care and well-being of another person. This can be a great way to protect someone who can't take care of themselves, or who may not want to be able to take care of themselves due to an illness or disability. 

If you are considering estate planning, it is important to find an attorney who specializes in the process. You can check different online sites to hire experienced guardianship attorneys in Arizona.

Here are a few tips to help you find the right lawyer: 

1. Start by looking online: There are many reputable estate planning websites that list attorneys by area of specialization. You can also use this information to compare fees and ratings. 

2. Ask family and friends for referrals: If you don’t feel comfortable searching online, ask your friends and family if they know any attorneys who specialize in estate planning. Many attorneys have referral programs in place, so be sure to ask about this before making an appointment. 

3. Consider hiring an estate planning coach or fiduciary representative: These professionals can help you with all aspects of your estate plan, from creating a will to setting up trusts and guardianships. They can also provide guidance throughout the process and act as a liaison between you and your attorney.

It is a legal process that allows someone else to make decisions for an incapacitated person. This can be a great option for people who are not the incapacitated person’s legal guardians, or for those who want to avoid taking on the responsibilities of guardianship.

