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A Career in Game Art Outsourcing Testing

Playing video games for a living makes one think that this is the ideal job. People who witnessed the advent of computer gaming in the late eighties to early nineties have probably dreamed of having a game testing job. Who wouldn't desire a job that compensates personal enjoyment?

Almost everyone loves video games. Video games are no longer restricted to small consoles that can't be carried on planes or other long-distance trips. People choose to play video games on portable devices like the PSP Vita or their android smartphones and tablets.

Now that video games are competing with so many other personal entertainment types, a freemium model is now widely utilized in PC games and mobile gaming, which has given video games a boost. This is good news for anyone who wants to become a professional in video games and they are ready to put in all the effort necessary to make it happen. 

It is important to note that those testing a game are always separate from the team that codes or programs the game itself. It is important that testers of a game are not part of the code or programmers team. Game testers are responsible for bug-tracking.

Companies and game studios assign game testers the responsibility of submitting bug reports on a consistent basis. Excellent written communication skills are required as communication with the programming department must be done in writing.
