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forehead botox

Plan Your Botox Treatment To Reduce Wrinkles In Singapore

One of the effects of botox treatment is the appearance of bruising and swelling and there is no way to avoid it completely. This effect is normal because the needle hits the blood vessels under the skin's surface. You can click on this link to contact the professional botox expert.

The duration of bruising and swelling always varies from person to person. If you are planning a treatment for a large event, it is best to schedule it at least two weeks before the event. This way you still have time to heal and get rid of the bruises and swelling.

On the other hand, you can choose a clinic and ask if there is a free consultation. This method is better because you will get immediate professional answers to your questions or inquiries.

It is also good to ask this doctor about how he is being treated. This will make you feel comfortable when the day of surgery arrives. You are likely to have a pleasant experience in your treatment.

If your doctor is a plastic surgeon or similar specialist, they will charge you as they usually do. There are usually different fees for Botox treatment, which will depend largely on the doctor's license to practice and above all his years of experience in Botox treatment.

An inexperienced botox injector will only paralyze your face. For the best advice, always choose a licensed doctor with years of professional experience.
