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EV accessories

Level 2 Charging Stations Explained

When charging your EV, you probably notice that they have a 2-level charging station. What is the difference between these stations? This blog post will take you through the differences between Level 1 and Level 2 charging stations. For convenient vehicle charging, you can also buy Level 1 & Level 2 EV Chargers for home with 5% off on first order at Lectron EV.

Who Needs a Level 2 Charger?

Most people who own vehicles need a level 2 charger to charge their electrical vehicles (EVs) at home. A level 2 charger is typically the most powerful type of charger available and can provide up to twice the charging power of a standard level 1 charger.

There are many reasons why you might need a level 2 charger. Some people may need it to charge their EVs while they are traveling. Level 2 chargers are also useful for businesses that want to provide EV charging for their customers.

If you are not sure whether you need a level 2 charger, contact your vehicle manufacturer or an authorized dealer. They can help you determine which type of charger is best for your needs.

What is a Level 2 Charging Station?

A Level 2 charging station is a type of charging station that can charge electric vehicles. A Level 2 charging station is capable of providing up to 32 amperes of charging power, which is enough power to recharge an electric vehicle in about 10 hours.

A Level 2 charging station is also known as a "standard" charging station. A Level 2 charging station is the most common type of charging station available on the market today.

Level 2 charging stations are popular because they are easy to use. All you need to do is plug in your electric vehicle and the charger will start working. Level 2 chargers are also widely available, so you can find one near you no matter where you live.
