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Daily Fashion News

A Brief Overview of Fashion Industry Magazines

Here is a list of all the famous magazines for the fashion industry in the world. This list includes a wide variety of business magazines, journals, and periodicals. The following information also includes a brief overview, magazine name, etc.

Dress strategist

This is leading monthly magazine for the textile and fashion business. Over the past eighteen years, this magazine has met the demands of investors and professionals in the textile and clothing industry. Yiu can also get the latest fashion updates online via

This publication contains news reports on the latest trends, forecasts for the further development of the industry, key statistics and graphical representations of the textile and clothing trade cycle.

Fashion business image

This popular business magazine has more than one million subscribers in the Middle East and the Indian subcontinent. This publication focuses on retail, marketing, branding and clothing. Other important topics in this post include lifestyle, clothing, clothing, and awards related to the beauty and fashion industry.


This publication is a web-based magazine which is published thirteen times a year. This publication is the least common source of technical and business information related to the cosmetics business. This publication also contains instructions for packaging and a few other things needed to make the decorated garment market work digitally.

International Sportswear

This magazine is the German edition, which is published six times a year in German and English. This publication was published in 1975 and provides clear and effective information on sportswear, denim clothing, outerwear, active wear, casual wear, the latest menswear, trendy clothing, shoes, youth fashion designers and the fabric market.
