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cigar manufacturers

All About How Cigars Are manufactured

Making cigars is a simple art because it is a science, and for those who grow, shrink, and mix the tobacco in them, cigars are a source of family life.

Using an excellent hand-rolled cigar is a complex, time-consuming and very skilled process. While in a few factories, a human hand can touch a cigar leaf more than 40 times until the manufacturing process is complete. To get more information about the cigar manufacturers visit .

cigar manufacturers,

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Now the next step is to make a cigar mixture. Cigar blends contain tobacco of different strengths and flavors to create specific blends. It can contain a combination of four and two tobacco.

The master mixer creates the recipe for the production of the cigar mix and supplies the rolls with the appropriate tobacco and formulations as the first step in the production process.

That role calls for a press that keeps them in his hands; He then placed the leaves on connecting leaves, the tobacco leaves are flat and somewhat elastic. He rolled them up in groups, cut them into lengths, and then placed them in a wooden mold.

The cigar maker wraps the leaves around the bundle and also applies a little vegetable glue to tie the leaf wrap around the head so that the cigars don't come off. The supervisor checks each cigar by hand and rejects it if there is a defect.

After that they weigh the cigars, usually in stacks of 50. The cigars are then stored for aging. Examples of aging can vary from factory to factory for at least 21 days to between 3 and 6 weeks.
