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bubble magus protein skimmer

Purify Your Aquarium With Protein Skimmer

Regardless of the method, you use to remove dirt and debris from the aquarium tank, removing protein is one of the most effective ways to clean the tank. Protein can break down into toxic and potentially dangerous products that harm your marine life in the aquarium.

The use of this device reduces hazardous products and purifies water, eliminating the need for frequent changes. Protein skimmers are also useful for increasing oxygen in the water and reducing harmful phosphate compounds to inhibit further algae growth and so on. You can also check this site out to buy protein skimmer online.

The skimmer design has been modified several times and the latest models are much easier to install, take up less space, and perform very effective skimming work.

There are four types of degreasing processes known as simultaneous degreasing, countercurrent degreasing, risk-style, and degreasing.

Simultaneous degreasing uses a cylinder in which the bubbles formed attract dirt. This method is not very effective due to short waiting times and long cylindrical tubes that must be kept near the aquarium.

The next step in this area is a countercurrent protein skimmer. The effect is to double the residence time to maintain the cylinder length and this system has a better skimming effect for the same unit size. Counterflow devices are marketed by several companies and are still not very popular.

The third protein skimmer equipment is based on a business principle and is called the Skimming Style Viment process. The process uses a whirlwind of effort and millions of microscopic bubbles created by decreasing it.

The fourth step deals with launching high-speed jets of water through a long pipe with an internal locking plate. The tube contains a small bio-sphere that travels at breakneck speed while a burst of water spreads around the barrier, creating a stirring effect.
